Turbo MBR “Overcoming fouling and aeration drawbacks”
ThemeWastewater Treatment, Decentralized sanitation
The overall objective of this research is to maximize the membrane bioreactor (MBR) treatment capabilities by improving the membrane performance and oxygen transfer under the high MLSS concept. The improvement relies on performing mixed liquor pre conditioning before the membrane filtration process. That is, decoupling the high MLSS environment from the filtration process in order to lower the fouling rates, and possibly reducing the need for additional scouring air which would be required under high MLSS and increased viscosity conditions. On the oxygen transfer side, an oxygen supersaturation technology never used in the wastewater treatment field before will be introduced to perform the activated sludge aeration. The Speece cone will be tested at different flowrate and pressure combinations to characterize its oxygen transfer capabilities under high MLSS conditions. The combination of the aforementioned operational conditions and process modifications at high biomass concentrations (high MLSS) form the turbo MBR concept (tMBR).
Start of Research
October 2015
End of Research
October 2019
- Carlos Mauricio Barreto (PhD candidate)
- Hector Garcia (Mentor)
- Tineke Hooijmans (Mentor)
- Damir Brdjanovic (Promotor)
- TU Delft
Carlos Mauricio Barreto
[email protected]
[email protected]